Sunday, October 18, 2009


Having been part of the basketball scene for almost 45 years - I would like to mention the following points :
1. There are very few basketball coaches - so SENIOR PLAYERS must don on this role.
2. Many schools have `unusable' infrastructure - this must be set right.
3. Particularly new schools should be targeted - they should be convinced to provide
basketball courts or at least shooting posts.
4. Clubs are very indifferent to young children - this must change. A social responsibility should be to ask schools to use their grounds during day time - when they are not being used. Senior players can help them on rotation basis. Many courts are used as cricket grounds - badminton courts etc. It is not very funny!
5. THERE SHOULD BE NO LINKAGE between `state level basketball' and `grass root promotion of basketball. This creates untold misery for children below 13 and 15. Too much is made of being part of the `state team'.
6. There should be number of tournaments with the right `learning environment'.
7. FIVE A SIDE tournaments ensure all play. Bench sitting should be scrapped.
Please add more points to the above. We at SUMPOORNA are already aggressively pushing these issues and have `coerced' many institutions into making courts, conducting tournaments - we would like to share our experiences with other basketball lovers. Stop blaming other sports' for lack of basketball's popularity.
Ultimately, the basketball players' attitude is the key to promoting of this game. Log on to sumpoornatumkur. to see how we are working in Tumkur distt of Karnataka. WE ARE READY TO PROVIDE SUPPORT TO ANY BASKETBALL PROMOTION INITIATIVE.

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